Our Story
Neshama, pronounced “nesh-ah-ma” is used in the Hebrew biblical story of creation when God created humanity. It was first a lifeless form until the breath of life was breathed into that form to create what we now know as humanity. The word Neshama is used to describe “the breath of life” or “the act of breathing life” into another. The agency participates in this “breath of life” for those served by journeying with individuals through housing and services. Out of this belief, “the experience of life”, or “The Experience of Neshama” was founded.
Social Services is a lost art. We believe social services should be delivered with heart, expertise, and joy. At The Experience of Neshama, we do just that. We chose housing as our area of expertise because we believe it is a foundational piece of pursuing your dreams.
Our Core Beliefs
An interdependent network
Capacity to move forward
To believe in possibility
To trust in second chances
The journey should be full of laughter
Our Mission
To be a catalyst of change by journeying side by side with individuals as they encounter new opportunities through housing

Our Vision
Anyone and Everyone will have the opportunity to experience hope in housing

Meet Our Team
The Experience of Neshama team is dedicated to helping our clients attain and maintain housing. Our team works with you as well as being on call 24/7 for any housing needs.

Ryan founded The Experience of Neshama in 2015. His goal was to help individuals by journeying side by side with them to pursue their dreams and stable housing.

Housing Stabilization Lead
Ervena has been with The Experience of Neshama since 2020. Her passion is helping others in her community, serving in her churchs leadership and her grandchildren.
Housing Advocate
Ethel joined Neshama in 2023 after serving in many different roles both formally through her employment and informally in her community. Ethel believes in making our voices heard through the way we vote.

Housing Advocate
Paul has been with The Experience of Neshama since 2019. He is passionate about his family, his faith and serving those around him to live their best lives.
Susie has been with The Experience of Neshama since 2019. Her passion lies in her community and her family by serving in many different roles.
Housing Advocate
Halwa joined in 2023 to bring the change she wants to see in her community.
Housing Advocate
Shoua joined in 2023 bringing her expertise in family health and wellness.